National and International Partnerships

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The National and International Partnerships Program (NIPP) of the Forest Department serves as a liaison primarily to the “Protection of Natural Resources Project” and initiatives such as the “Restoration Assessment Opportunity Methodology (ROAM)” led by the IUCN/KFW Selva Maya Program.  The program focuses on the execution of project activities that cuts across the different programs, strategic planning and the development of new projects. The National and International Partnerships Program (NIPP) plays an integral role in ensuring the integration/incorporation of the Forest Department’s policies, legislations, strategies in sectoral planning processes and new projects.

Program Objectives:

  • To align the Forest Department’s strategic plan with national development plans
  • Implement monitoring and evaluation tools to evaluate the Forest Department’s strategic plan implementation
  • Establish and implement a public awareness program
  • Institute and maintain cross-border cooperation as part of the Selva Maya/IUCN Program

As part of its responsibilities, the NIPP:

  1.     Ensures that regional and international commitments are integrated into departmental objectives and sectoral plans
  2.     Liaises with donor agencies (locally and regionally) to provide technical guidance for project development and implementation
  3.     Coordinates public awareness and outreach activities highlighted within the FD Strategic Action Plan

Forest Department Headquarters